2009 Rivers Project :: Delaware
The Rivers Project::Delaware began as a call to artists living along the Delaware River to submit their work to be included in a multi-media display that creates an image of the role that the river plays in the development of culture. It was included in an exhibiton at the 2009 Delaware Arts Council in Narrowsburg, NY.
Medium: Website and Internet art
Rivers Project::Delaware is a portrait of the Delaware River through the relationships that shape our social, commercial, political, natural and aesthetic experience. A grid of multiple photos collage a visual experience of the Delaware River. The grid is created using the Flickr API and phpFlickr, a PHP wrapper of Flickr (scraping technology) for all photos that are labeled "Delaware" and showing them 12 photos at a time and changing every 5 seconds. Flickr allows you to order your search result by "interestingness" which is based on viewers clicking that they like a photo. The results are in descending order of interestingness, which gives much better results than random order.
Exhibitions and Catalogs